Why Influencers Are The Secret Loop Hole in Social Media Marketing

Ask any marketer how they feel when news of a new social media algorithm starts circulating.

It’s almost as bad as the red circle of death on the Xbox to video gamers.

But there’s good news, there’s a simple, and effective way around the algorithm that may even boost your business more than before!

The social media algorithms are designed to highlight the best and most relevant content. Now, what is a great way to determine if the content is relevant? Engagement!

Influencers are spectacular at creating engagement and developing community around your business, and if this is an avenue that you haven’t explored before, this may be the right time.

If you’re new to influencer marketing, you may not understand how to work with them, and that is what this article is all about. Not sure how to find an influencer for your business? The following websites are great for locating who you should work with:

Deep Social provides highly detailed social media analytics reports to brands and influencers. They split their services into Audience Data, Influencer Search, and Post Analytics.

Discover.ly is a Chrome plugin that helps you with your networking. You can use it to see your email recipients, LinkedIn and Facebook connections’ social accounts and updates in a sidebar. This means, for instance, that you can see mutual Facebook friends for somebody you connect with on LinkedIn.

1. Promo Codes
If your online store offers support for creating promo codes, take advantage! Many influencers will promote your website with a promo code designed especially for their users.

2. Live Video
Have you ever seen those unboxing videos on Youtube or Facebook that you just can’t seem to look away from? Those people are all considered influencers! Depending on pricing levels, you can usually find an influencer willing to create a video in exchange for pay (and generally, most people will let them keep the products too).

3. Let Them Takeover Your Social Account
I know, it sounds a bit scary. But users will eat this up if you can find someone who is well-known in your industry or community to post about your products or events for a day!

4. Send Them Free Products
Seems a little backward, but if this influencer is well-known and your logo appears on their Instagram, boom! Just make sure to do your research well and contact them via email or phone first so you don’t lose money on ROI.

These are just a few ideas on how to work with influencers, but they work great! Adidas has been rolling out a LOT of influencer campaigns if you are looking for some inspiration. Check out their recent World Cup influencer campaign: https://digiday.com/marketing/adidas-tests-new-media-strategy-world-cup-campaign/

Weigh-in: how do you feel about influencer campaigns?